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Network online.
Meet offline.
The digital companion platform of ITB Berlin!
We provide ITBxplore, a digital companion platform, to enable optimal preparation for the fair. This platform offers extensive digital services for networking, exchange, and business, which can be utilized before, during, and after the fair to reach the target audience and increase brand awareness. Visitors and exhibitors can already make contact through ITBxplore before the fair, arrange appointments, and get information about exhibitors as well as product highlights. ITBxplore facilitates planning with features such as an online exhibitor directory, the scheduling of congress sessions, and an interactive hall plan, to efficiently manage presence at ITB Berlin.
ITB Berlin App
Perfect for on the go
With the ITB Berlin App, you are always well informed. Download the app before your visit to the fair and prepare optimally for ITB Berlin 2024. During the event, the app provides everything you need for orientation – from the exhibitor directory to interactive floor plans, from the conference program to service information. Discover the numerous possibilities of our network!
Stay connected during ITB Berlin
As the only USA-hosted, USA-made eSIM creator, CELITECH’s proprietary one-click connectivity platform delivers secure and affordable cellular data service worldwide for global travel providers, customers, and employees and is easily deployed on any web or mobile app for international travelers.
Try the eSIM solution at ITB Berlin!