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The ITB Berlin annually presents the ITB BookAwards in cooperation with the publishing office Philipp. The awards are given to honor outstanding journalistic achievements in the field of travel and tourism, primarily in German or in German translation. The overarching goal is to create cross-border attention for the diverse spectrum of significant publications.

The winners of the ITB BookAwards 2024 were carefully selected by an independent and expert jury consisting of professionals in science, country experts, media, journalism, and the book trade. This panel ensures an objective selection of outstanding works that contribute to enriching the literary landscape in the field of travel and tourism.

The ITB Berlin sees the BookAwards as a platform that puts authors, publishers, and their works at the forefront to promote international exchange and the recognition of exceptional literature. We look forward to honoring the winners of the ITB BookAwards 2024 and acknowledging their outstanding contributions to the world of travel and tourism writing.

The primary category, "DestinationsAward," of this year's ITB BookAwards is dedicated to the travel destination "Oman," which is concurrently the official guest country of ITB Berlin 2024. This year, we are placing a special focus on outstanding travel contributions that represent the captivating destination of Oman.

In addition, the new category "Alice" will, for the second time, recognize excellence in children's and youth books with a travel theme, as well as stories that resonate with young readers. This initiative sets new standards and underscores our commitment to captivating literature with a travel focus, engaging young audiences.

Oman Cover

The winners of the ITB BookAwards 2024

Athesia Kalenderverlag (Heye); Julietta Baums, Lorenz Töpperwien; Marc Bielefeld; Braumüller Verlag; Dr. Ophélie Chavaroche; Coppenrath Verlag; François-Régis Gaudry with Alessandra Pierini, Stéphane Solier, Ilaria Brunetti; Antje and Annina Gerstenecker; Prof. Pekka Hämäläinen; Prof. Dr. Eric Horster; Ulla Lohmann; Josephine Mark; Jessica Miller; Michael Müller; Risa Nagahama, Walter Britz, Joerg Lehmann; Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt; Elisabeth Raffauf, Günther Jakobs; Jacob Radloff; Paolo Rumiz; Sylvain Tesson; Prof. Dr. Thomas Steinfeld; Michaela Vieser; Isaac Yuen; Prof. Peter White, Prof. Herman Shugart, Dr. Sassan Saatchi, Dr. Jérôme Chave; Heinz Zak.

Categories, titles, winners and publishers

Graphic Novel: ‘Trip mit Tropf’, from age 12, Josephine Mark, Kibitz Verlag, Hamburg

Young reader’s book: ‘Die Meisterin der magischen Karten’, from age 10, Jessica Miller, Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag, Stuttgart

FriedensAlice: ’Wann ist endlich Frieden? – Antworten auf Kinderfragen zu Krieg, Gewalt, Flucht und Versöhnung’, from age 7, Elisabeth Raffauf, Günther Jakobs (Illus.), Verlag FISCHER Sauerländer, Frankfurt/Main

‘Atlas der Wälder – Netzwerke der Superlative’, Prof. Peter White, Prof. Herman Shugart, Dr. Sassan Saatschi, Dr. Jérôme Chave, Frankh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart

‘Atlas der geheimnisvollen Ozeane – Kuriositäten und Überraschungen im, am und auf dem Meer’, Dr. Ophélie Chavaroche, Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart

Nature Writing: ‘Atlas der ungewöhnlichen Klänge – Eine Reise zu den akustischen Wundern unserer Erde’, Michaela Vieser, Isaac Yuen, Knesebeck Verlag, München

‘Oman – Unterwegs zwischen Muscat und Salalah. Mit Seeb, Nakhl, Sohar, Musandam, Nizwa, Sur, Wahiba-Wüste und Rub al-Khali’, Julietta Baums, Lorenz Töpperwien, Trescher Verlag, Berlin

‘Italien – Porträt eines fremden Landes’, Prof. Dr. Thomas Steinfeld, Verlag Rowohlt Berlin

‘Toskana’, Michael Müller, Michael Müller Verlag, Erlangen

‘Die Gourmet-Bibel Italien – Absolut alles über die italienische Küche’, François-Régis Gaudry with Alessandra Pierini, Stéphane Solier, Ilaria Brunetti, Christian Verlag, München

‘Der unendliche Faden – Reise zu den Benediktinern, den Erbauern Europas’, Paolo Rumiz, Karin Fleischanderl (translator), Folio Verlag, Viena/Bolzano

‘Vulkanmenschen – Vom Leben mit Naturgewalten’, Ulla Lohmann, Knesebeck Verlag, München

‘Ungarn verstehen – Geschichte, Staat, Politik’, Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt, Langen Müller Verlag, München

‘Der indigene Kontinent – Eine andere Geschichte Amerikas’, Prof. Pekka Hämäläinen, Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München

Coppenrath Verlag (Münster) for its special editions of works by Jules Verne:

‘In 80 Tagen um die Welt‘, Manfred Kottmann (translator), Beate Kahramanlar (design),

‘Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde’, Volker Dehs (translator), Beate Kahramanlar (design),

’20,000 Meilen unter den Meeren’, Volker Dehs (translator), Albert Bartel (design)

‘Noch einmal Paradies – Ein Segelabenteuer zu den Grenzen unserer Freiheit’, Marc Bielefeld, Piper/Malik Verlag, München

’Tirol – Magie der Berge’, Heinz Zak, Tyrolia Verlag, Innsbruck

‘Tales of Amalfi 2024’, Athesia Kalenderverlag/HEYE, Unterhaching

‘Japan – Die 5 Geheimnisse der japanischen Küche’, Risa Nagahama, Walter Britz, Joerg Lehmann (photos), Gräfe und Unzer Verlag, München

‘Abseits der Pfade’, 25 titles including ‘Krakau’, Braumüller Verlag, Vienna

‘Der inoffizielle Harry Potter Reiseführer – Entdecke die magischen Schauplätze’, Antje and Annina Gerstenecker, Bruckmann Verlag, München

‘Customer Experience Management’, Prof. Dr. Eric Horster, Haufe Group, Freiburg, München, Stuttgart

‘Digitales Tourismusmarketing’, Prof. Dr. Eric Horster, SpringerGabler Fachmedien, Wiesbaden