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Six breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Inspiration, tips for events and numerous fascinating stories about Saxony-Anhalt
March 9, 2022
“UNESCO likes to take a look before it awards the title of ’World Heritage Site’“, said Matthias Ulrich from IMG Sachsen-Anhalt during his presentation. Thus, it was all the more amazing to look at Saxony-Anhalt, where there were all of six World Heritage Sites. In Naumburg, Dessau-Roßlau, Wörlitz, Quedlinburg, Halle (Saale), Lutherstadt Eisleben and Lutherstadt Wittenberg one could visit buildings, properties and architectural ensembles of unique historical importance. In 2022, visitors can look forward to numerous events and festivals.
The Bauhaus and its sites in Dessau
Worldwide, Dessau in Saxony-Anhalt is the city with the largest number of original Bauhaus buildings, of which the most important are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. With the opening of the Bauhaus Museum Dessau, another contemporary building was added in 2019.
Memorials to Luther in Eisleben and Wittenberg
In Saxony-Anhalt visitors can witness historical Reformation sites close up, including memorials to Luther in Eisleben und Wittenberg, which together form a single World Heritage Site. There are many festivals and events throughout the year – 2022 also marks the five-hundredth anniversary of the translation of the bible. www.martinluther.en
The garden kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz
The garden kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz is famous for its outstanding garden landscapes, whose combination of art, culture and nature is unparalleled. Visitors can admire exceptional pieces of garden art and examples of historical architecture on an area of 142 square kilometres. In addition to the palace Schloss Wörlitz and Görlitzer Park, the Rokoko palace Schloss Mosigkau, the palace, park and city of Oranienbaum, the landscaped garden englischer Landschaftsgarten, the palaces Schloss Luisium and Georgium in Dessau in the classical style are all worth a visit. www.gartenreich.en
The Nebra sky disc
The original Nebra sky disc is a major public attraction at the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte in Halle (Saale). A permanent display features the world’s oldest depiction of the heavens. The 3,600-year old bronze disc is 32 centimetres in diameter and displays the sun – depending on one’s interpretation also a full moon –, a crescent moon and 32 golden stars. www.landesmuseum-vorgeschichte.en
Naumburg Cathedral St. Peter and Paul
Naumburg Cathedral with its four spires, situated between the rivers Saale and Unstrut, is one of the most important cultural monuments of the High Middle Ages in Europe. This is where visitors can find out about Uta von Naumburg, for example, whom Umberto Eco once described as the “most beautiful woman of the Middle Ages“. www.naumburger-dom.en
Stiftskirche, palace and old town of Quedlinburg
Winding streets, half-timbered houses from various ages, medieval open spaces, modern art and the Stiftsberg hill with its castle and Romanesque church, the Stiftskirche, which visibly towers over the surroundings. Quedlinburg is the only city in Saxony-Anhalt classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a listed area full of life.